Join our Loyalty Program for rewards

Earn points and redeem them for rewards

  • Loyalty Program

  • Online Ordering

    Shop online and have your order mailed directly to your home, or if you live in the Flathead Valley, delivery options are available, too!

  • In Person Shopping

    You can find us in person at our new storefront at 37 5th Street East, #104, in Kalispell! We also attend markets around the valley! Follow our facebook page or check our website to see where you can find us!


No returns for in-person sales, jewelry, hats, or any "sale" merchandise.

For online sales, we can accept returns for unwashed, unworn, undamaged products if tags are still attached for store credit. We are a small boutique with limited inventory, so exchanges not possible. Return shipping and handling is customer's responsibility and must be postmarked within 14 days of receiving your order. Thank you!